Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sad Little Cucumbers

Last year there was a bumper crop of cucumbers. You could have one every time you left the house. Just pick it off the vine on your way to the car. This year three plants produced really nothing edible – as you see.

This seems to be a pollination issue. I wouldn’t think that this would be a problem in my yard. I have a crop of oregano which is covered with bees, throughout the spring and summer. That is my indication that they are around.

But perhaps they weren’t out and about at the right time, though. The male and female flowers have to be open at the same time. Female flowers only stay open for one day, and the female flower has to be visited 15 times, for full pollination.

Was it the weather? High humidity makes the pollen less “good.” Hot temperatures (we had those!) can damage the pollen.

Or maybe it was just me. Uneven watering can lead to uneven growth.

One idea I did have. The cucumbers were surrounded by bean plants. This seemed like a good use of space. The beans would go up the trellis and the cucumbers would sprawl on the ground. I wonder whether the bees just couldn’t find the cukes!

There’s always next year and thank heavens for the Farmer’s Markets!

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